Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Assassination of the Hardware Kit.

Today will go down as a Black Day in the memories of Team ***** [Name not disclosed due to security concerns] .. though it cannot be said that such a mishap was not totally unforeseen considering it to be a inauspicious day ( Yes people u guesses right .. what else do u expect on Lakhan's B'Day ) .. So based on the extensive probing done by the panel of us morons .. we have established some theories as to the root cause of this mishap .. so without further adieu let me put forth the theories ..

Backdrop On The Incident
Body Count : 1
Deceased: The Kit.
Incident: This happened today, the 14th Day of March 2006, when crazy frog Ankur G ..decided to do great service to entire mankind(read IT community) by connecting a power supply to the kit .. but it seemed destiny thought otherwise .. as soon as he inserted the plug there was a deafening noise and flames erupted it was like all ‘HELL’ broke loose exactly as the Crazy Frog video would show it .. (thankfully Crazy frog didn’t get hurt as again the video would show it) .. people gathered all around at the spot of the mishap .. and when the smoke cleared there were lying the mortal remains of a kit which just few moments back was happily raising alarms,blinking merrily in all its glory .. who would have expected such a sad & sudden demise for such a pure & innocent device .. It had been blackened in the right places .. Gay-Bee was weeping loud enough for people in the cafeteria to know about it .. After running innumerable builds the kit had finally succumbed to the coding of Rajesh and his allies .. and thus the tormented soul of the late kit was set free but will haunt our memories forever. But as the gossip goes, people expected foul play in it and a panel of Morons was appointed for further insight into the matter.

Theory No 1 .. strongest so far ..
Title: Lakhan’s sadistic attack to Screw Crazy Frog’s Impression
- Lakhan Singh: A notorious dacoit from Chambal Ghati who currently hold a very high position of authority but whose dirty old self still lurks in the inner recesses of his demented mind.
- Ms. SuperModel: Hailing from Somalia this SuperModel is every dacoit’s dream, but she dreams of setting the ramps of Paris on fire.
Crazy Frog: Ankur G: Here is the guy who was inspiration for the creation of the Crazy Frog. He’s mean, he’s determined and he’s a FROG.
Prime Suspect: Lakhan Singh
Brief History: For the past few days we have been seeing immense conflicts between people just for impressing our very own Ms. SuperModel .. Though most of the people in the ensuing melee were not so strong enough to bear the wrath of Lakhan there was one person ( or maybe well put as a frog ) who wouldn’t let go Ms. SuperModel without a fight .. and that brave personality would be our very own Crazy Frog Ankur G .. So finally Lakhan felt that it was time he got rid of his greatest rival till date ..
The Theory: This was a very strategically planned conspiracy and no one but Lakhan could have it so well executed .. This also shows the extent to which he can go to acquire his most prized possession till date .. Ms. SuperModel. Lakhan knew from his various sources of intelligence that crazy frog was responsible for supplying power to the Kit placed just beside him .. so the night before the date he had his mercenaries go up and fix the explosives just waiting to be detonated .. and it was detonated at exactly the time Lakhan wanted … so that it would have Crazy Frog in a situation where he looks responsible for the sad demise of the kit. This in turn would have directed the anger of all the Team members to an actually innocent Crazy Frog. But relax Lakhan we know better .. the panel will see that proper justice is done ..

Theory No. 2
Title: The Developer/Tester skirmish saga
Rajesh M.C.: He’s a nightmare for testers specialized in terminating modules when least expected. A bug logged on his name can never be reproduced.
Prime Suspect: Rajesh M.C.
Brief History: The tester – developer conflict dates back to the days of Adam and Eve .. or probably much before that .. and as heritage takes us we all had been blindly following the duty as assigned by our roles .. but there was a visionary with the name of Rajesh who saw a way through this herd mentality which would place developers on a much stronger hold in the fight for control. And the day had dawned for his revenge …
The Theory: Rajesh was an average person when he grew on the seashore of Kerala .. who would say at that time that he would go on the become the greatest warrior in the epic battle of developers and testers … Working hard he finally earned his role as a developer but the testers wouldn’t let him rest .. bug after bug was targeted at him but he fought his way through them all .. while one day he had a dream and he was enlightened .. in the dream mata Yam-Aye 2 ( MI – II ) asked him to get over the battle once and for all .. and from that day Rajesh decided that enough was enough .. he started working hard on his invention which would shake the foundation of the tester community .. and finally his invention was ready .. though it took some help from the great Shogun warrior Swikar .. the effort was worth it .. so when an unsuspecting tester was busy connecting a power supply to the kit .. Rajesh silently pressed a key on his computer and LO BEHOLD!!!! there went the command .. through the mighty network to the intended device “the kit” .. and it could do little but obey and it erupted into flames. Rajesh had proven his point .. no tester would ever ask him to reproduce a bug again ..

Theory No. 3
Title: Aggravating the Mistress.
Madame HunterWali: The Dark Mistress herself, not much information is available on her whereabouts cause she lurks in the darkest corners of the cursed cubicle of JavaScript.
Crazy Frog: You just can’t keep him out of the limelight can you ?
The Mistress’s loyal servants: Peru, Devil and undercover spy Mr. Foreigner.
Prime Suspect: Madame HunterWali
Brief History: In the far corners of our company, beyond the realms of the world of us mortal C++ programmers starts the land of elite immortal JavaScript Developers ruled unanimously by the Dark Mistress, she-who-should-not-be-named, Madam HunterWali – that NOT the real name cause she really shouldn’t be named .. anyways moving ahead
The Land of JavaScript still trembles upon the very thought of the mistress which is guarded by her 2 faithful zealots, Peru and Devil, who can be seen listening to the Dark Mistress’s sermons on their headphones. But the stupid goliath Gay-Bee couldn’t keep his mouth shut and let other people work in peace .. he often used to visit the Dark Land and speak ill of the mistress .. and even she tried all her whipping on him but just nothing could get through his thick hide .. But then one day the mistress thought that he had to be taught a lesson .. and such a one that nobody henceforth would challenge her supremacy.
The Theory: The activity of the zealots had begun long back crawling the internet hunting for information on RDX and other explosives. And the mistress was so eager to teach Gay-Bee a lesson that she sent out her most trusted servant as a spy just outside the cubicle of testers. Who would say that the poor looking foreigner client listening songs on his headphones and looking around the cubicles was actually listening to the Mistress’s Sermons and spying on the other people ? The plan was all set properly . at 2 pm there would be a blast of the kit beside Gay-Bee which would rid the world of his existence. And when the time came again our hero Crazy Frog got a hint of the evil plan .. and in order to save his dear friend he himself took the gift of death out to his own cubicle .. and there was a blast .. but the Crazy frog video did it again .. crazy frog escaped without a scratch and saved the life of his beloved friend .. However the Mistress was not pleased, she would be back with a vengeance and a with mightier scale of destruction …

Final Word: Though this has been a sad incident which has shattered the hearts of millions of fans of the hardware kit, we will ensure that proper justice is done to the martyr kit which went down obeying the orders given to it on its Web Server.

*** Let the noble spirit of the deceased kit Rest In Peace. ***